2774 Three Amigos.

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It has seemed like dusk all day. Things have been vaguely wintery. Our little dog Precious has been making speedy trips outside to potty because it’s so chilly. I, for one, am glad I don’t have to potty outside.

I guess I’ll leave you with that because I’m trying to get something done and don’t want to stop too long and lose my momentum. I hope your Monday goes well. Hopefully no historic events happen today…

Anyway, until next we meet, gorilla that glue.


Feel like this is adding more weight to the idea that this girl is the one that initiated things with Jess and Jess only claimed she’d seduced her in order to both seem more in control and to soften the blow to Ed.

This would make sense why she (the ex) didn’t look very remorseful or aghast at being caught. Either way you’d feel betrayed.

Agreed yes, but atleast in this way Jess frames herself as just “so amazing she can seduce someones girlfriend” and “seducing her intentionally cause she wasnt good enough for Ed”, here she maintained control and had a positive intention.

This likely seems better to her than:”I was a dumb teenager that got drunk and made out with my brothers girlfriend”.

I wish my dog would use pee pads sometimes. When it dips into the negatives out here she can’t touch the ground for very long (couple seconds) and has to wear the booties and winter gear (jacket, snood) EVERY time we go outside. Luckily negative temperatures usually don’t last more than a few days at a time here, but it’s rough on her and me both.

It’s tough not knowing you’re a teenage beard when you’ve barely ever dated anyone.

Precisely, it would appear Jess would rather play the role as villain than admit that Stephanie was using Ed.

CAN’T wait for them to open up about this, it was High School, kids be full of blood and chaos marbles that make them crazy.

As an introvert, when I was Ed’s age I never talked this deeply with someone I dated on this trauma-adjacent (?) topic. (I was much better at my mid 20s.)

Nina is interested in this, but not pruriently, and Ed trusting her on it gives this scene just the right weight.

100+mph windstorm, fires ten miles away. Increasing costs of basic groceries. 2025 looks better every f**king day …

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