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I can hear that commercial so clearly in my head.
Two very different people with a shared love of a brand. Is it sad? I’m not sure. I do know that I am very nostalgic for the ancient McDonaldland branding of the McDonald’s of my youth though, so I know it happens. Plus I’ve seen other people remark fondly about when McDonald’s didn’t look like a place that Patrick Bateman would patronize. Oh well, whatever.

I added the close up from the previous page as a design for the t-shirt store. If you want to wear it around, and try to explain what the hell it is to random people, friends, and family, please feel free to do so. I don’t usually just drop things into there like that but since it required no editing it was easier than normal.

I guess that’s all I have to say for now. As always links to support the comic are above the blog. I will see you on Wednesday I hope. Until then, have a Beary Fun time.


At some point Maddie will just be singing and some guy will be charmed by her voice and energy.

And that guy will be Mike. They will be perfect together. Like those hippos from old Animaniacs cartoon.

I don’t know, but now I’m thinking of Rulette v. Maddie battling for Mike’s favour.

It’s just my view, but: I think that Mike would be happier dating Rulette, since they both like doing intellectual stuff, on occasion.
I think that Maddie would get bored, when talking about: M.C. Escher, Robert Frost, + Beethoven, + topics like those.

People can ship whatever couples they like, but that is just how I see Mike + Rulette.
“Each person has their taste”, and all that. :)

That 80’s commercial with Ronald McDonald ice skating and the little kid trying to skate legitimately makes me cry even today.

I lived somewhere that didn’t have a Chuck E Cheese, and went once on a family trip. I’ve ended up pretty nostalgic for it because I was at just the right age to be wow’d by such a large arcade-type place, and young enough to not notice any drawbacks that may or may not have existed at this particular branch

I was feeling something similar last night. I stumbled across a YouTube channel called JBuck’s Retro Rewind, and the whole conceit of the channel is watching old VHS tapes from when you were a kid (complete with vhs artifacts), and i was talking to my wife how it’s so odd to me the commercials of today I’ll pay to skip, but these older ones, I got McDonald’s, bop-it, Lego, etc are ones that I feel joy watching again

If you like seeing articles + stuff, about vintage + retro things, please look at:

https://clickamericana (dot) com/

This site looks at pop culture items, + restaurants, from the 1950s-1990s!

Heck, it even has displays of things from the 1800s-1990s, if you want to look THAT far back at trends!


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