2731 Speaking From Experience.

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Thomas is basically describing himself. I don’t think Reggie is picking up on that though.

Friday is here already… I really don’t know if I agree with this modern desire to have linear time. I guess we’re stuck with it. Maybe someday I’ll have a chance to bring it up with the management.

Anyway, I’m feeling worn out, so I’ll wish you a happy weekend and hope to see you on Monday. Until then, take caaaaaaaaare.


I don’t know if I’m with Reggie about “obsessed with making work fun”. I see it more about more trying to pull work away from soul-beating dullness within the parameters allowed.

There’s a reason it’s called work: Because it’s not play. But the right organization, mix of people, and put-uppable-with customers, and it doesn’t have to be awful.

It can be bearable, or even pleasant, and Thomas does hit the nail about the vibes of those around you.

Yeah, while having fun is not the purpose of work, I don’t see a reason in not trying to make it fun, as long as the work get’s done. And I doubt that it being boring would help with the latter part.

One of my favorite mottos that I live by is: No matter what you are doing, if you are not having fun, you are doing it wrong; if you cannot find a way to MAKE it fun, do something else.

Far too many people give up on looking for ways to make things they don’t want to do fun far too quickly, often discounting the possibility in the first place. Even for the most unpleasant of tasks, there are ways.

Easier said than done. I’m the kind of guy who loves to improvise ways to make work more efficient and pleasant while also producing the kind of results that people desire. The real problem are certain higher-ups who insist on traditional production methods to reflect their views on productivity. Anything that improves the process without their personal approval is tantamount to heresy and insubordination. As a result, you’ll be taken into the office and be given a good “lecture” on the “ways” of the business, even if the ways are inefficient and outdated.

To me, I don’t think work can ever be fun. Even if it’s something I love doing, turning it into an obligation that I need to be doing strips a lot of the fun out of it. That said, I still do what I can to make work the least bad it can be because, well, why wouldn’t I?

I kind of split the difference on this. I think it’s very possible to find work “satisfying” or “fulfilling.” But “fun” is a different matter, and serves a different purpose to one’s psychological health. Work doesn’t need to be an endless grind, but it also doesn’t need to make me feel the way going out for drinks with friends does or playing a game does.

Work isn’t supposed to be fun, but at the same time, it shouldn’t feel like a soulless grind either. Workers want to be treated with respect, their labor to be meaningful for society, and be given proper pay for their efforts too. It’s honestly not rocket science but you still have conservative thinking in the upper echelons of business that believe that workers should be looked upon as nothing more than a means to an end. This is precisely why labor unions exist and need to exist, so workers can have fair treatment.

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