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So I guess it’s just gonna be Wednesday now? I dunno. I don’t think it’s gonna catch on. It seems like the days are flying by right now. My perception of time has always been shaky, but right now it seems like everything is moving far too fast to keep up with. Obviously time hasn’t changed, just my perception of it. I messed my shoulder up in my sleep and I just want to stop sitting here, so I’m not going to ramble. I’ll see you guys on Friday, god willing, and hope you have a nice couple of days until then.


Pitfalls.I found the missing ‘l’….. It’s so fun to watch Reggie vacillate between gratefulness and irritation. I’m surprised his psyche doesn’t have whiplash. Keep up the good work sir!

Time gets weirder as you age. I think it happens to everybody.

I believe it has something to do with scale.

When you’re 10 years old, a year is 10 percent of your life. When you’re 40, it’s only 2.5 percent. So a year when you’re 10 is like forever, but when you’re 40, a year really isn’t all that long.

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