2679 Schmuck.

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Well, let’s see… My neighbor was put to rest this morning. It’s still very sad. I hope the next neignbor is as nice as she was, but that’s gonna be a tall order.

I completed my Rulers Of The Sun collection today, so that’s fun. It’s only, like, 10 figures, but the last 4 are very hard to get at a decent price.

There isn’t really anything else I feel like talking about at the moment and it’s already past posting time so I’ll spare you having to deal with me any further. Until next time, I hope you have a safe journey.


Not to mention, people have a hard time caring on anything grand scale compared to their own little world.

It’s hard to care about the wider world when your own world is falling apart.

Some things have to fend for themselves.

Lead by example, it is hard and takes a lot of will poeer. Best exampkes I’ve seen have been those with NCO or junior officer expirience(Finnish military, very different military culture) or at work those who have been promoted to leadership roles from the shop floor.

the less ivory tower the leader has build for themselves the worse they do and actually may cause people to do the opposite just out of spite.

In Thomas’s case I understand that it’s hard to lead when people judge your position in life but we’re also a time where finding good leadership is so difficult people get excited to hear someone talking sense. The difficulty is just finding people intelligent enough to understand and appreciate the logic in your thoughts.

people only get excited to hear sense as they understand it. Otherwise that same sense becomes, to them, nonsense.

So sorry about your neighbor.

“Who wants to listen to me?”

Thomas, dude, EVERYONE in this comic listens to you. Well, except probably Wes, but he’s kind of an idiot.

Ah, yes. The perennial difficulty of all evangelists (religious, political, or otherwise). “I’m just one person; a nobody. Who will listen to me?”

The answer is to start with who is in front of you. And if that’s all you can do, then at least you’ve had input into their lives.

For example, Billy Sunday and Billy Graham both started with small meetings of a dozen or so, but they worked on their delivery and improved their craft, and after decades of work built their platforms into huge movements. If your message is important enough to you, then you, too, will spend the time and energy to get it out to as many people as effectively as you can.

It’s taken nearly a century, but look how radically the tenor of society here in the US has changed — especially in this last half-century. It didn’t happen organically. A lot of evangelists worked very hard over a long period of time to spread their message. You can do it, too.

Billy Sunday and Graham may had used their messages to help spread the word of the gospel, but at the end of the day, their version of the gospel is nothing more than sensationalism that doesn’t truly reflect the message of Christianity and is more akin to bullying the religion unto others than anything. This is a bad example of leadership.

Yeah.. A shmuck that has shown remarkable blessed ship qualities that doesn’t want to lead from the front. Maybe a position of power behind the throne?

Oh hey, Thomas is about to unlock a new achievement judging by the look Carol is giving him.

Achievement Unlocked: A Piece of Your Girlfriends Mind

Honestly it seems delayed. I don’t know how she got horny out of “The world falls to shit if we don’t regulate everything and everyone by my standards.” But the whole “Everyone but me is a moron, and especially those who listen to and value my opinion” seems to have gotten us back on track.

I enjoy these two doing this. It calls back to Carol figuratively brushing the weight of the world off his shoulder because of his caring for everyone at the store.

Can we see a pic of your collection? Maybe in the Patreon group

Twitter would probably work better, but I have half of them in storage at the moment. I’ll try to remember.

What is rulers of the Sun? I know it’s a toy line obviously.

He-Man for minorities. They made a deal with Mattel a couple of years ago to release updated versions of the figures and role them into the He-Man lore. The line did poorly and the last 4 figures were hard to find. Target cancelled my preorders for whatever reason. Luckily, since they were unpopular I was able to get most of them for less than shelf price on ebay.

Thomas, I know you can’t observe my reality, but if you don’t try to change people, they won’t ever change. You even have a medium you are known to prefer through which you can attempt to encourage your desired change, writing.

Write a story that showcases the importance of the little things people ignore. The comic in which you inhabit gives a minor showcase into the good parts of retail, while avoiding sugarcoating or simply ignoring some of the worst parts of it (admittedly, it does hide it, but there’s only so much you want to show related to the idiot who secretly poops everywhere but inside the toilet). Even if we ignore your reality, a story in which there’s a minor long-term subplot about respecting shared spaces, other’s workplaces and the like would work as well. So long as your writing isn’t being an obnoxious ass about the subplot, or breaking anyone’s character with it, it could easily work well, regardless of what the main plot of the story you write is.

“Schmuck” is “jewelry” in German. Retail’s a rough job.

You could say a schmuck working retail is a diamond in the rough.

I’ll see myself out.

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