812 Naturally.

Theres a free Play-Doh app for the iPod.  It’s totally for kids, and dumb as fuck, but it’s colorful and makes me happy knowing it exists.

A pile of wet hay will spontaneously combust.  I know that it really happens.  I’ve SEEN it happen, but it always seems like it shouldn’t be possible.

There haven’t been any Captain America or Green Lantern toys out here since those movies came out.  Well, actually there were never any Captain America ones.  The Green Lantern ones actually sold.  Excepting for the tertiary characters.  Hal Jordan and the orange bird guy aren’t anywhere now.  I’ve heard good and bad things about Green Lantern, but the kids must have liked it.  Captain America I’m not sure.  At least as far as the toys go I have no way to tell if the kids like it.  They don’t seem to be in love with Transformers either, but it’s hard to tell because they seem to stock T3 toys.  Or maybe overstock them.

My theory is that they overbought Iron Man and Thor figures and got gunshy with Cap.  Oh, there was also that Pirates movie that no one seemed to give a shit about.  There’s still tons of those terrible figures too.  I seem to recall there being a huge amount of Indiana Jones figures leftover back when Crystal Skulls came out.

I wonder if it’s just out here, or if it’s like that all over.

I haven’t seen any Smurfs stuff, but surely there must be some.  They seem like a very marketable brand.  Plus the movie over performed.   I guess I could look it up real quick.  Looks like they have Mega Blocks.  Those actually look pretty cool in spite of being the Lego alternative.  (Lego has far too high an opinion of itself.)  There’s some movie style dolls out there too.  New stuff hasn’t dominated the Amazon listings yet anyway.  Damn but some of those movie designs are creepy looking.  Getting those toys right is going to be really hard.

The corn is tasseling and my allergies are killing me.  I’m usually okay indoors, but some of it has infiltrated my same areas.

Almost none of my fans use Google+, so  the whole site just looks like a bunch of cartoonists trying to impress each other.  Other artists really aren’t a good target audience, unless they ARE your target audience, because they have their own shit to pay attention to.  I’ve noticed that popularity with other artists gives you a skewed idea of who is actually popular with people though.  There are several artists who seem to be liked by other artists that have no success with their actual work, but the perception is that they actually are broadly popular.  It’s kind of fascinating.  Perception truly is reality.

I’m not really sure where I stand as far as that sort of thing goes.  I just have my little circle of people, and you guys.  Mostly people don’t talk to me, and as far as I can tell that’s true for everyone who makes comics.  Or maybe I just tend to make friends with the outcasts.  That actually seems more likely.  Anyway, what I usually hear when I talk to a new person is that they thought that no one liked them, which is why no one talked to them.  So apparently self esteem issues are rampant with creative types.  Who knew?

I don’t really have a point here; just wordthinking.


i have experienced this kind of conversation so many times its kind of ridiculous

flows smoothly at first but later youre like wait why did we start here and end there

One time I had a conversation that went from the price of lobster to whether Apple or Samsung phones are better in 5 minutes. I still don’t remember that progression…

I have the weirdest conversations with my friends, the other day in the mall i was describing a horrific and(to me) humorous account of The antichrist being born, complete with the doctor being burned to a ash skeleton from a gout of flame from the baby momma’s cooch

Your journal thing was very random today.
If you need Cap toys, there are plenty here. I mean, plenty. Ridiculous amounts of them.
I think most conversations with me end this way… with the other party wondering how the hell we got there… though the transition is not quite as smooth.

No clue on the Google+ thing. Few people have tried selling it, and with you being the exception, it seems like a way for people to brag about being pretentious. Not the greatest sell.

On the spontaneously combusting hay thing…
What happens is similar to a pile of oily rags spontaneously combusting. In both cases there is enough air deep inside the pile for a good chemical reaction to get going. Anything that will burn is going to start undergoing that same combustion reaction as soon as it is exposed to oxygen. Fortunately for us the reaction is VERY, VERY slow at room temperature and the miniscule amount of heat from the tiny bit of reactin going on quickly dissapates. As the temperature goes up, the reaction speeds up though. In a pile of rags or a pile of hay, the material on top forms a blanket to trap the heat given off by the reaction so the temperature starts to gradually go up – so the reaction speeds up – so the temperature goes up – so the reaction speeds up … until finaly it bursts into flame. In the case of the hay there is a little bit more going on. Besides the oxidation, you also have the little bugs that make hay decay doing their job. Ever notice you get a bit hot when you exercise? Well the bugs decaying the hay also give off heat when they are doing their thing. That helps the hay get hotter underneath until the oxidation (burning) reaction can speed up enough to actually make the hay catch fire. That ends the lesson for today children. Now go outside for recess and let your brains cool off…

Any casual conversation (provided it goes on long enough) will end up at a topic completely different than what it started on; that’s just part of how conversations work!

Solution to the comic: A wizard did it.

Otherwise: No one talks to them because they don’t engage in social action. Most people don’t go around talkin it up with strangers unless they’re in a situation to do so. GET OUT THERE AND TALK TO PEOPLE YOU PALE SOCIALL AWKWARD WEENIES

Fish guy. Not bird-guy. Tomar-Re is a fish-guy in the movie. A very small indicator of the very big problems with Green Lantern as a film. While Marvel Studios doesn’t quite make the films I want them to make, they’re a hades of a lot closer than the last Superman or Green Lantern fllms. Seems the only DC character Hollywood can get right is Batman and then only after finding writers whose reference for the character was something other than the campy 60s Batman TV show.

I once started a conversation about how I hate bacon with my friend and it ended with us talking about how Sora D-Air in Smash Flash is too overpowered.

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