2691 What’s Good For The Gander.

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It amuses me endlessly that Carol is inflicting Mike on Thomas as an act of love towards both of them. It amuses me to know that she is amused by her own actions. These are the small joys that come from creation. I’m also pleased that Carol and Mike are friendly coworkers now and he earned some respect, even though she’s always going to treat him as something more akin to a little brother than her actual boss. At some point he may have to pull rank on her and I don’t know for sure how she’ll react. Will he have earned enough respect to be obeyed without question? I wonder. I hope I get to find out with all of you someday.

Anyway, it’s time to post so I’ll leave my musings there. Support links above, as always. Come back to me on Friday if you can. Until then, thank you for playing.


The notion of Mike “pulling rank” on anyone is unsettling in and of itself. I have a hard time imagining the situation in which it happens without the phrase “I don’t have a choice” or “corporate said” getting involved.

For a Mike-pulling-rank scenario, much dpends on the details. He’s learning and he’s eventualy going to have his own ideas about how things go. What’s important enough for him to spend his limited pool of respect-points on?

The most interesting part is the aftermath of when push comes to shove…Especially if Mike turns out to be right. How would it affect Mike to be on the money and Carol, perhaps Carol + Thomas, to have missed the bet?

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