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What we choose to believe impacts how we experience reality very much. It also impacts how we impact other people. If someone, for example, believes that their god says it’s okay to murder unbelievers in the street that belief suddenly becomes germane to other parties. Sometimes we avoid investigating what we believe because the cognitive dissonance becomes too much to bear. Unfortunately conflict arises when too many opposing beliefs rub up against each other.
You can choose to believe that a bullet won’t kill you, but there are limits to the power of belief.
Anyway, happy 2025. It promises to be interesting.
“May your life be interesting
my mother said to me
and since she laid this curse on me
I never have been free”
That is the opening of a poem a certain someone important to this comic wrote something like 30 years ago. It has been in my head all this time, much like they have, largely against my will. Yet it remains relevant, year upon year, despite any protestations I may have. We are all firmly trapped in interesting times. It very much seems like the more interesting times get the more unhappy everyone is.
I would very much like to gift all of you with a boring 2025 where you make enough money to stop worrying about everything, and you are healthy enough to not have to worry about that. If i could I would remove as much interestingness from your lives as I could without making it so boring that it became inversely interesting. Alas, all I can do is make this comic, and whatever other nonsense I fling out into the void for people to find. Just know that my prayers are with you and my intentions are, in a general sense, pure. Well, maybe not pure, but at least not openly malicious. It should be midnight on January first 2025 on the east coast of the United States when this comic goes live. So as the year slowly rolls across this great land we will all be enveloped in another arbitrary chronological epoch together, but not simultaneously.
I think the girl that wrote that poem all those years ago would be disappointed in me if she cared enough to look in on me, and I wouldn’t blame her. Even if I managed to turn that around in 2025 it wouldn’t matter as far as she and I are concerned in relation to each other. Nothing can change the fact that she was part of this though. Many people who I’ve disappointed along the way were part of this. I look forward to the chance to disappoint them for another year. XD
Hopefully you, dear reader, will not be among the number of disappointed people in 2025. I guess we’ll see. If nothing else hopefully we’re good until Friday. See you then.