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In Fire Emblem Heroes “Deep Wounds” is a status effect that removes the ability for you to heal your units. There are effects that reduce its effectiveness now, but it can still be quite crippling in the current game META. Breath Of Life 4 reduces the Deep Wounds effect the most effectively without cleansing it outright. Breath of life 1 through 3 were basically useless skills basically from the beginning, but now they are the tax you have to pay to get to Breath Of Life 4, which is an excellent support skill.
This knowledge is basically valueless unless you play Fire Emblem Heroes. Nobody I know plays it, so I never get to talk about it with anyone. FEH is a gatcha game, so it has the stink of corporate greed all over it that most sane people avoid. I just really like Fire Emblem, so I play it. Since it’s pay to win on some level it’s extremely challenging sometimes when you can’t get the premium units. You really have to know the mechanics of the game to do the PVE quest successfully sometimes. I always feel like I don’t know what I’m doing, but playing it has made me better at games where money isn’t a factor in winning.
I recently replayed Lyndis’s tutorial chapters from FE7 on the Switch since they added it to the GBA live service thing. I remember them being a little challenging at times if you weren’t careful, but I breezed through them this time. I guess running the capitalist gauntlet provided by FEH made me improve my tactical skills. XD
Anyway, Ed’s line reminded me of the skill and inspired the page title.
Looks like the weather is finally going to start getting cold again and probably a bit stormy. I don’t care for snow, but we still need it for there to be any kind of moisture out here. It’s very inconvenient though. Since we don’t have a fireplace I’m always worried we’ll freeze to death if the power goes out in a blizzard. I don’t know what kind of psychopath builds a rural house without a fireplace, but the one who built ours did. It’s been here for over 100 years and you’d think someone in all that time would have thought to put something in that would burn wood in an emergency. Of course a lot about this house makes no sense. Things are put together in ways I certainly wouldn’t try at least…
Whatever though. It seems like Friday got here fast. The wind down after the holidays is always so disruptive and the fact that we never handed out our gifts because of the sickness means it’s basically been put off until the parties involved have free time. If I were a kid I’d be crushed that my presents were waiting somewhere I couldn’t get to. In this case it’s lucky then that I am not a kid.
Maybe by Monday things will have settled into a nice, boring, routine and I can just make comics and not think about stuff. I’m very much over thinking right now. I will expend what little will I have left for it to wish you a safe weekend. As always, support links are above the blog. Until next time, embrace the silence.