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Standing in the rain, talking about love lost… That brings back some memories. What might have been, I wonder, if I wasn’t so broken. Some future where nothing you see here exists? Maybe something more grand? It’s hard to say. I suspect I would have dragged her down with me. Lowered her with my presence. Like a set of chains. What about the others? It’s probably safe to say much the same thing would have happened. Unintentionally I would have hampered them from becoming better. The relentless drive I have to give battle to everything and everyone would have worn them down, leaving dust and disaster.
But on the asphalt, in the rain, I hoped.
Being happy never got me anywhere. Misery taught me the most. Negativity motivates me. I spin regret into longing for better places and try tell stories about it. Still, somewhere in time, I’m still there in the rain, loving them, and somewhere in time, I’m in the rain missing them.
Right now though, I’m the bullet they dodged.