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Versions of this interaction kept getting written in and out of the scene because these two have a very manic energy together. They shift gears quickly and can be unpredictable in any moment. I try to write the characters how they want to be written more than how I want to write them, which may sound insane to someone who doesn’t do creative things like this. I assure you that you can channel a character on some level and make them feel more natural, or you can drive a character like a machine and make them a mouthpiece that begins to feel less alive. There’s a lot of ways to write and this just happens to be mine. Many successful writers move characters around like chess pieces, without expanding upon their personalities very much, and do just fine. This is just how I do it. Since I’m kind of middling in my success maybe my way isn’t all that good. It feels the most correct for me though.
I felt very creatively blank this month. Maybe it was all the goings on in the news, maybe I’m just getting old and slowing down, I don’t know, but since I wrote most of the last few pages all in one long go I didn’t have to rely on being able to call up that spark like I usually do. It was fortunate in a way. I didn’t have to stress about things so much while I was dealing with outside forces. The cleaning I’ve been doing recently have kicked up a lot of dust and reduced the quality of my sleep. Even with two air purifiers working at once they haven’t been able to keep up. On top of that the cold weather requiring the constant use of the furnace hasn’t helped either. It all gives me that empty feeling behind my eyes where no ideas come from.
When the productivity of your entire operation comes down to you it gets a little draining at times like this. Perhaps March will be more creative and productive. This short moth made it seem like it was coming up very fast.
Oh well, no point in worrying about it now. I hope you have a nice Monday and will come back on Wednesday to see where this whole thing is heading. Until then, safe travels.
EDIT: A couple of people have been accidentally posting comments on the links post. I’ve disabled comments on it so that it can no longer be done. If your comment has disappeared that’s why.