1383 Cat And Rat.

If there is one thing I envy about Reggie it’s displayed in this scene. He doesn’t let people guess about how he feels. He has openly pursued Nina, in spite of the rules against it. If he hates you, you know it. If he likes you, you know it. In many ways he’s the most truthful person in the comic. He even telegraphs his schemes, which is probably why they don’t work. He’s terrible at being subtle. Like Thomas has said he’s a dick, but he’s an honest dick. There is a value in that which I can’t stress enough. Knowing exactly where you stand with someone is great because you don’t have to worry about what they are going to do. You can guess with far more accuracy when the person in question is guileless.

Does this mean he’s given up on Nina? Probably not, but why put all your eggs in one basket? Dating seems to have taken on a level of seriousness, at least in my experience, that it didn’t seem to have decades ago. Maybe because we have a certain expectation of carnal pleasures being given up quickly. Somehow that adds a feeling of obligation into the mix faster than it might have had before. I don’t know. You guys are welcome to tell me what you think about that.

The downside of this particular pairing is what might happen if the wrong people find out. Although he tries to hide it Reggie does fall prey to wanting to be accepted by his peers. If someone were to tease him about dating a fat girl Reggie might not react positively. That said, the rest of the cast isn’t likely to do that. Well, most of them aren’t anyway.

What I like particularly is that in this moment Reggie just realizes what he feels and goes for it. Say what you will about him, but he has a level of courage most people lack. Once he decides what he wants he goes for it an woe be it to whoever tries to get in his way. Of course in Ed’s case that didn’t go well for Reggie, but it didn’t really put him off anything.

I had a really hard time with the colors in this one. Since the settings for color are different in MS5 I had a hard time making the blushing look right. It’s still too subtle but I don’t have time to keep fiddling with stuff indefinitely. Hopefully it will read better on other screens than it does on mine. I’m still getting my head around the new software.

Here’s the new eBay picture. Everyone’s favorite finally, Brooksie.


Checks date. Nope that’s 5/1 not 4/1…

Hmmm, looks like Jackie is still making the comic and not M. Night. BUT WHAT A TWIST!

Now for that wistful moment when John realizes no more theme bentos will be forthcoming. At least he has the rest of the Furry Females to help ease the pain.

Hopefully Alex’s assistant moves on as fast as she latches on.

Hindsight is 20/20, but I should have seen it coming. Jackie has been setting this up for awhile.

I have to say I’ve gained increasingly warm regards to Reggie as the comic has gone on. Even moreso the last several. And while I’m honest, I have to say he’s probably a little bit better person than I am. Which is a tad depressing.

@Rheios: Don’t feel bad. I wish that sometimes I had the same will ( and clarity of the mind) to act on my own wishes like Reggie. That’s one good thing ( one of many, perhaps) of this good, honest bastard. Seriously, I think that’s the reason why Thomas took him under his wing. He sees the Force in him :P

Soooo…is this the part in wich everything starts to fall apart?
It kind of seems to me that this is that part…

Gad, but I don’t pay attention!

When I first saw this page, I thought that Alex was raising her right “paw”, like the Japanese good luck cat [raises its paw].

I think I’ll go to bed now. :D

Well, looks like Thomas called it. Reggie has a fetish for smart girls. Knowing that, it should come as no surprise he likes Alex.

Regarding relationships, for me girls have usually been serious when it comes to standards and expectations, but it often depends on the person you are dating; some people are just cool and casual while others either consiously or subconsciously expect certain standards. When I was living in Quebec I found that relationships there are much more casual than you will typically find in North America. You meet, you hang out, you hook up, you continue seeing each other, you fall in love at some undefined moment or period. No celebrations of “dating for 6 months” or “first time we kissed” with the expectation of gift exchanges. No rules for how long you date before having sex; it could be right away or it could be a while, doesn’t follow any rule. I don’t exactly support polygamy but from the moment you meet a girl to the moment you fall in love, there doesn’t have to be a set moment when you declare that you are “going steady” or whatever you call it these days.

*squee!* Ahhh stupidly haven’t been checking the comic, but I’m so glad I’m back! Ever since their first encounter I’ve been crossing my fingers for this to happen. I mean, if she dated John that would be fine. John is my fave, he deserves a nice person! But her with Reggie? Too cute to express properly.

I hope this doesn’t sound dumb/overly-sappy, and I hope that it doesn’t become sad in hindsight, but I just wanted to let you know that this moment in the comic brought me unbridled joy when I first saw it, and occasionally I’ll go back to it and get a big, doofy grin on my face. Thank you, man. X33

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