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Drink soda!
I went back into the old files to drag out the old soda machine from day one. A nearly 20 year old file that CSP was able to open easily, I might add. I’ve never been able to properly draw the layout of the store, so the location of the soda machine may not be obvious. It sits near the exit doors along the window that looks out into the parking lot. It’s an L shaped path from Carol’s customer service lane to that door. You pay for a soda then fill it up as you leave. There is supposed to be a popcorn maker along the same path but I don’t remember if I ever drew it in any of the past pages. My guess is that I didn’t because drawing the soda machine on the old tablet was extremely difficult. At any rate, there are 3 register lanes running parallel to each other that all sit in front of the soda machine wall. I’m certain I’ve never shown the layout well enough to make that obvious.
The store is set up in a layout that is called a “racetrack” You come in the front doors and the natural path is to move into video. You can follow the obvious path into that department, which then transitions into Games/software, then into magazines, and finally into books. This track spirals around the store back to the front and past the opening of the music section, which sits in the middle of the store. You don’t have to follow this route, but everything in the store is laid out in such a way as to compel you to make this trek through every department every time. It was very common in store design in the 90s and most places still use some version of it. There is usually one main path that moves in a big circle past all the departments. When I was little it was more common for stores to just open up into a grid system of parallel isles. It wasn’t very intuitive. The individual sections of most stores are still grids, but the track is the factor that makes them less daunting as you can move freely around the area without having to constantly avoid others that are blocking the isles.
Anyway, just a bit of not very important lore. I had always hoped to make a 3d space that I could manipulate and basically take photos of and then draw my characters over, but it was too difficult to learn how and keep making the comic. I know it can be done because tons of video games started doing that exact thing in the 2000s mimicking a cartoon style. Maybe someday I can go back and George Lucas all of that.
That’s as may be, I guess. For now I will remind you that support links are at the top of the post and that I hope to see you again on Wednesday. Until then, don’t do anything a Minecraft youtuber would be accused of.