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Well it looks like I have a very disruptive Wednesday ahead of me. It’s one of those situations where you wonder if it would have been better to stay silent and take your chances rather than have to pay a lot of money for nothing. For whatever reason I chose to speak up so now I get to have an adventure I’d rather not have. It also throws the American insurance system into harsh relief yet again as they demand things that aren’t required for reasons that aren’t clear. Meanwhile the people who should be keeping these things from happening are lining their pockets with bribes and not doing their jobs. And they wonder why someone might want to take a potshot at a politician. There are many reasons. It’s funny how much can happen so quickly when their lives are at stake compared to the peons who fund their machinations…

Whatever. It is what it is and I’m powerless as one man to change anything. All I can do is rage impotently and hope that my efforts might improve life for people who come after me. You don’t plant a tree for yourself as they say. In any case I hope the comic finds you well and that you will return to me once again on Friday. Hopefully I will return to you as well. Until then, dah bo dee bo dah.