2711 The Knowing.

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I was checking in on Questionable Content and randomly decided to scroll down the page a little. I usually don’t because the site doesn’t work on my phone very well. I know how hard it can be to fix stuff like that though. Anyway, he’s still got the old links to other webcomics down at the bottom. I decided to see if Weregeek still existed anymore, or if it ended, or what. Without verifying anything I guess it hasn’t updated since 2022. (If anything I say here is incorrect I apologize to anyone who cares.) Apparently in 2015 they did a Kickstarter and then didn’t actually complete it. The comments make it seem like the site is basically abandoned and the readers are either mad, worried, sad, or some combination of feelings. I never really follower Weregeek, I was just aware of it and knew that they were doing better than I was. At least as far as I could tell. I wonder if any of my readers know the full tale of what happened there. I haven’t kept up with the webcomic “community” so I don’t really know who does things anymore. QC is the only webcomic I still read regularly, as I’ve said before. The ones I used to like outside of that either just stopped, or veered heavily into promoting some particular worldview that ruined the story. I’ve never really recovered from that time period as far as this part of my life is concerned. I never felt like I was part of a webcomic community. Which is why I always put community in quotations. Most things that people tend to describe as communities are just cliques that have taken it upon themselves to represent these so called communities. I certainly wouldn’t want some other creator speaking on my behalf in almost any situation. My views and opinions do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this “community”.
I was so into webcomics for a long time. Even back when I was still working retail I was reading QC, Penny Arcade, Bob & George, The final fantasy sprite comic I forgot the name of, PVP, and like several others. When I actually started making them and interacting with some of those creators it slowly dawned on me that “some of these guys really suck…” It’s just like any loose grouping of humans. Some are cool and some are not so cool. Over time being loosely affiliated with webcomics ruined them for me. I suspect it’s like that for every profession. The best doctors probably talk shit about each other behind their backs the same way they do at a Burger King. It’s still sad though. I liked being able to like things.

Anyway, I guess that’s enough of my nonsense for today. Keep it real lemon peel. Come back on Wendesday. I demand it!