This is easy, if I were presented with the “10 second test” all I’d do is wait the ten seconds in absolute silence. When inquired as to why I said nothing my simple reply would be, “Only a moron would actually accept such a challenge,” and just walk away…

Not quite sure that would work. In actuality, that only provides a 50/50% chance of intelligence. 50% that you weren’t smart enough to come up with an answer and got offended at being forced to take the test. I realize that you yourself don’t “have” to prove anything to anyone else, but by this route you have no right to be offended if they choose to think and act as if you failed the test by refusal to accept it.

The easiest way would be to own the store she works at. Implying that your boss is an idiot is about the dumbest thing you could do as an employee, hence making the remark fool proof.

And before someone tries to mention it, I meant boss, as in owner, not boss as in manager such as Mike. More towards ownership of the stores, or at least general manager of the stores. Take Reggie’s aunt for instance.

There are many, MANY ways you can fail her test, and she expects you to as well. It’s less important to prove to her that you are intelligent and more important that she realizes that you are. Doesn’t matter how many degree’s you show her in those 10 seconds, since she would most likely assume you are an idiot for A) Trying to work at such a small store (Meaning you cant really do better) or B) For choosing to shop at a store she clearly sees beneath an intelligent choice of venues, even if it is where she works and while she might like the job, doesnt mean that she thinks the store in itself is a great store.

“You don’t just want me to jump through hoops for you. You want me to invent hoops to jump through for you. Only a moron would play your game.”

I think that’s a good response when she isn’t your brand new boss.

How about, “I’m brand new here and I just want to fit in and do good work. I don’t want to stand out until I see how it helps.”

how about “I’ll do whatever you say ma’am, I am your humble minion”

Sorry, being a minion seems to be the height of moron. Almost seems to me the best way to pass the intelligence test is to neither work for, nor shop at, that store, as she sees the employees and customers as “challenged”

being a minion of someone is not a sign of stupidity, it is how one deals with any situation that shows intelligence.

It’s one thing to say what you would do, and another thing to be put on the spot. I personally don’t know how I’d react, but I’d like to ask “What’s wrong with being a moron?” should I ever be put on the 10 second test.

I had actually heard of the “Ten second test” in various forms over the years, before running into it here. Thank God I never actually had a boss spring it on me.
My group of friends in college had some long discussions over what the “correct” answer would be. None that I can recall came out with no objections. Somebody always had some problem with the answer. I guess the consensus would have been that there *is* no right answer.

Later on, my best friend and I (Hi, Chris!) sort of came up with the working theory that the only right way to answer the question is not to play the game. i.e., “I refuse to allow you to force me to validate my own existence.” The only problem I see with that answer is, it can lose you the job. I do note that here, Carol only asks the Question of new hires, i.e., someone who’s already GOT the job.

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