Carol Graves The Witch Who Was Wild.

The Graves girls are notorious for a variety of reasons. Not least of which is the reputation of their mother, who all the parents remember… Not always fondly in some cases. Apart from that there are certain personality traits and… physical traits… that the sisters share. Excepting for the two that Carol does not. Not to the degree that her siblings do, including her younger sister Robin, at any rate. Although she won’t admit it she is intensely jealous of her sister’s endowments. This imagined deficiency has made her even more boisterous than she might normally be. When she isn’t blatantly seeking attention, in any form, she is seeking adventure. Which has lead to speculation that her surname doesn’t come from a family history of tending graves, but rather causing them to be filled. She has ventured into the forbidden forest on more than one occasion and returned with varying types of injuries. She has been caught doing this twice, and reported once. Likely because the groundskeeper was transporting a less than legal creature when he spotted her. Between her and the Lincoln twins Ravenclaw seems doomed to come in last for the house cup for the run of their enrollment.

Because she exhibits desirable traits for 3 of the houses it took several minutes for the sorting hat to decide where Carol belonged, seemingly erring on Ravenclaw simply to maintain the family legacy. It did little to maintain the peace of the Ravenclaw common room however. The sisters squabble endlessly over the most pointless things, and god help anyone who tries to intervene. They will round on an outsider like a pack of wolves, turning back on each other only when the outsider is destroyed. In this they are like the Lincoln twins and the whole house fears what might happen should the two groups ever get crossed purposes. It is comforting to know that Carol and Jessica are good friends which should reduce the chance of this ever happening… I think.

In opposition to her outward personality Carol excels in subjects that require nurturing and patience. Although she’s a fair hand with a wand if her dander is up, and generally it is. She’s much more nimble on a broom than her sisters, and light on her feet. Although this is obviously because she isn’t fighting nearly as many gravitational forces. With all that said you’re more likely to find Carol grinning wildly over some new quest she’s found than scowling about anything else.


Interesting, but where is Carol’s usual curves? I think she looked more attractive when she was rounder.

Incidentally, am I the only one that sometimes prefers the “before” women over the “after” women on some weight loss commercials?

She was a late bloomer. In order to be in Hogwarts with the others they all have to be depicted as they were at younger ages.

The “before” pictures seem to have a rounder face, and I think this often makes them cuter. I think the face is somewhere between 65 and 85% of appearance. Someone with an attractive face is attractive even despite the rest of their appearance, while someone with a great figure and a mediocre face is just mediocre. Not a hard and fast rule, but often true.

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