The Witchlette Who Wasn’t.

In actual fact Reggie won the contest I held on short notice last night on twitter, but he’s not a healing character and I hate to leave you with him a full day.  Instead I present Miss Brooks and her magic book. 

Jolene doesn’t own an invisibility cape, but she hardly has use for one anyway.  Her affinity for misdirection charms is so strong that even her professors would be hard pressed to tell you what she looks like.  In addition to that she can manipulate memory and fade into shadows, so even if you do see her chances are you’ll have forgotten before you have a chance to tell anyone.  Her hair color is actually a camouflage charm she repurposed.  Not than anyone pays much attention to her hair anyway.


I attempted to vote for you.
And then I got the infinite loading circle.
So who knows?

Also, when you get around to the rest of the characters, you need to make a one-panel one-shot comic of T making an inappropriate “wand holding” comment to John.
Just because. XD

Yeah, that avoid excessive sun exposure thing. Hard to do. Also, ever notice that the medicine warns against excessive sun exposure and tanning beds, but doesn’t say anything at all about arc welding. Serious oversight. And if you use welding goggles (with a #9 lens) instead of a hood on a hot bright day, you will look like Bozo the Clown or the worlds fairest raccoon for about two weeks. Don’t ask me how I know.

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