This is the prize you can win at that convention i told you all about a while back. I haven’t totally finished it, but this is the important bit. The con is in Arizona someplace. I didn’t pay much attention to the particulars. If you guys want to know I’ll find out though.
Well, let’s see… if the Con is Memorial Day Weekend, then it’s probably Phoenix Comic Con, in, of all places, Phoenix. There’s also Tus-Con, down here in Tucson, but that one is still rather small. Not sure about the others coming up here in Arizona. A lot of the smaller ones around the country are hard to keep track of.
Anyway, if it is Phoenix Comic Con, I’ll have to come by your table while you’re there. We were pretty impressed last year by how fun of a Con it was, for not being one of the “biggies.”
Ah, I’m not going to be there actually. Someone just asked me to make a prize to give away. They’re involved in running things somehow. It was a reasonable request though, so I acquiesced.
And just how do we loyal readers get our own LARGE signed copies? Maybe this (or something very like it) could be your Japan Red Cross donation incentive or something. Just sayin.
Are you saying you want a print of this or something? I’ve never had anyone express serious interest in prints.
Why YES! is there a color version of this? and in what size will you ship it? and how much do you want for it?
seriously crave did you see that post? Can you do 8″x10″ how do I send you $$$?
You need to email me if you’re serious or I’ll forget.
Wait, you included Mike as a ‘Little John’ type (sorry, not being a gamer I fall back on the Classics) but omitted Ed? Yeah, I know, this is just a sketch you tossed off for the Con-artists (ooh, did I type that out loud?)
Kudos for Carol in Lorica squamata or Barbarian-style scale armor (which the Barbarians only owned if they removed it from a dead Roman — what’s in your wallet?) Her octagonal cudgel is perfect for her. Why stab ’em when you can brain ’em?
Nina as an Elven Warrior — also brilliant. I can’t imagine her actually hurting anyone; perhaps she’s off to collect an overdue Library fine (well, it’s her fantasy, after all).
And that look of grim determination is so not Jo, but Im sure is it came to that to save one of her friends fom the Orcs, she’d manage admirably. Which may account for Ed’s absence — he’s already a guest of the Goblins.
Prints? Hmm, yes; perhaps one might acquire them from D.A.
OH WOW! You kind of gave Thomas a longer version of my haircut!
I have joined the crew!
Now you have to post that “any resemblance to anybody is purely coincidental,” disclaimer on your site…
just kiding
Hmmmmm… Better safe than sorry.