Past Future Carol

One evening I was playing around with the idea of what Carol might look like if she grew her hair out. This is one of the results. It softens her look. To me she seems like she could be someone’s mom, or maybe a younger version of herself. She looks a bit heavier than in the now comics either way. I left it that way because, honestly, it was easier than fixing it… Anyway, potentially interesting to you all.


I like the long hair-effect! The problem I find in this image is not the length but, rather the angles. The hair is coming too far forward and her posture makes her look fatter even pregnant and somehow diminishes the size of her boobs. for example the left boob is nearly swallowed up in her shirt. increasing the arc of her back under the left shoulder might slim her down slightly. That and the lack of detail does not help us imagine a huge pair of squeezably soft melons under there or that her figure is large enough to be sturdy yet small enough not to detract from the gorgeous curves above and bellow…

Man… this comes off so creepy sounding to me. Am I alone in this? Am I reading in the creepy, or is it really there? I need a ruling here.

I’m not sensing creepy. Just a building on your own comments.

All that being said, she look hot to me :D. I prefer longer hair and softer girls. Thanks for the image!

Slightly creepy, and slightly over-thought, IMHO.

Creepy I can do. Although typically I find that the over- thought usually fits me better. It might point out, neither in my defense or in confession, that when being sincerely clinical it tends to have the smell of creepy. But then again I find, personally, that all hospitals smell creepy. I do apologize if I did not get all the bleach and ammonia smells out of that post. Even months later I am still feeling the effects of the “you got to critique three other students artwork for a grade,” policy… Anywhoooo… honest and blunt that is kinda just the way I ride. No vote here I’ll not bias the poll.

No one seems to have a hard fast ruling for this sort of thing. They say you bring your tone in with you when you read text, so I tend to read everything as angry and negative.

Indeed this may be in fact more the case of bringing your tone in with you. I view carol as the image of “sexy,” for this strip. She reminds me of my mental image of my wife when we met, which I am sure draws out both the artist and the inner pervert in me in equal parts, sort of….

Specifically to the ladies, no offence was intended. I have the utmost respect for the rest of your collective parts as well. And to get judged by the rest you must present the rest which takes more time and I might add cooperation. We all get scrutinized for our appearance, good or bad. And I have my own set of “squeezably soft melons,” at home and 2 kids to prove that I have a licence to squeeze them! case closed.

On a different note… I did not mean to sound angry or negative even if you brought it in with you. Carol is one of my favorite characters and I rank her in there with she-hulk, fairchild, golddigger, rogue, tifa, rinoa, lulu, fran and numerous others that further mention would only distract from. So keep up the good work! I love the hair even if I am not crazy about other aspects presented here. I find long hair is very feminine. Tell her I said so. (although Ed wears it well…) Meanwhile I think I shall retire yonder… I have some melons that need squeezing….}>

I don’t think anybody ended up caring one way or the other, dude. I got conflicting opinions about the whole deal anyway, so whatever.

Alas… The controversy’s drama peters out… but I don’t think I’ve seen a single post get so many reply’s. Good or bad all things end.

I think Mr. Quickstone’s line about the “squeezably soft melons” is definitely over the top. As for the rest… the “Her posture makes her look fatter” line would get you punched if you said it to a real person. I think her posture looks fine, though she’s not sporting a bad 90’s Image Comics anatomically impossible back-arch or anything, which I’m sure a lot of people who read comics expect. She seems a bit less “in your face!” than present day Carol, but still with backbone – I’d say overall she looks younger. And a younger woman would be subject to a lot of comments like DJQ’s above which could have contributed to her ascerbic wit.

I just have to say, that when seeing this I totally thought this was Nina pregnant or something and of course with a larger chest. I was not expecting the kind look of the face to be Carol’s. I also say that this is quite the lovely pic. (Long haired girls are the best in my humble opinion) ^_^

More than anything, this pic looks most to me like what Carol may look like in a few years when she and Thomas have tied the knot and “settled down” to use an awful cliche.

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