Too Dumb To Live.

A friend of mine sketched this, I inked it, then he colored it. A version that I colored will be up on the DeviantArt site if you care to see it. It’s colored in my regular style though so, no big deal.


Oh come on Reggie’s not that bad. I mean like Ed said, he’s a dick but at least he’s an honest dick. And he knows when he’s in over his hea… okay make that when in deeper over his head then he normally is. And like Thomas said, every store needs an hours whore. I mean yeah Reggie is a total dick and I’d have to fight to urge to bend him into a pretzel and nuke him in the microwa… oh wait he blew that up. damn it. Okay yeah he’s a dick.

Reggie can be explained in two words: Dick Amplifier. Basically, that’s exactly what characters like him do–they seem to exist to amplify the protagonists’ dick sizes (Metaphorically, that is–as in he exists to make them seem better by comparison) and to amplify the dickery of the other antagonists.

I hold out hope that he will someday be seen as more than just a necessary evil (Which would mean as soon as his family connections no longer protect him, chances are he’ll be out on his ass), because I find him to be by far the most interesting character in the entire story so far.

I don’t know why he’s still employed, despite the family protection, though. Dude may be an hours whore, but everything he touches catches fire–unless that’s the plan, and his aunt is hoping his ability to accidentally destroy things will eventually cause the store to explode, with Plan B being “Reggie pisses off someone who blows the store up themselves with him in it”.

I suspect the only way for him to ever stop being hated by his co-workers (And by the rest of the fans, natch) would be for him to endure a constant, endless Humiliation Conga that only grows in intensity as time passes, while speaking nary a word in his defence and certainly not responding to the snark of the other employees with snark of his own.

Which is a pity, because that would mean he’d have lost his personality.

…I’ve been reading fanfiction for too long, it seems. The hate is strong in fandoms…

whew. just started this comic today and i gotta say this and questionable content has got to be my favorite web comics yet! thank you for your stories so far and entertain me summore!

I like reggie, I really do.

If he wasn’t always pushing everyone’s buttons to the max maybe more people would like him. Hes just kind a Dick for some reason(I’d love to find out why)

He’s pretty sad as well. He has a big crush on one of his co workers, and she doesn’t seem to give a rats ass about it(and she already likes someone she just met over him, albeit reggie bring a jerk had a lot to do with it)


Just curious… Is it reggie that is too dumb to live or is he perhaps thinking someone else is too dumb to live? The latter would seem to fit hi personality more acurately.

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