The Times Between 45.

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I don’t feel like writing anything…

I guess I should probably say that if you have some kind of moral stance against Paypal, or really any payment processor, rather than taking it out on me why not ask if there’s an alternative way to support my work, like subscribestar or something? I’m just one dude trying to get by. The actions of these evil empires aren’t my fault but I keep being punished for using them. If you want to use something else just contact me and ask instead of writing a scolding message to me like I’m the fucking CEO of mastercard. Jesus… It’s not like I don’t have enough to contend with already.


Is this based on something? because I feel it might do well on youtube

I don’t know specifically, but I keep thinking of Binkov’s Battlegrounds. One of the foremost real-life military analysis channels on the ‘Tube is hosted by a puppet. I kid you not. :)

…I’d probably watch this.

It’s Sifl and Olly but only ONE puppet is edgy instead of both being insane for different reasons.

“If you want to use something else just contact me and ask instead of writing a scolding message to me like I’m the fucking CEO of mastercard. Jesus… It’s not like I don’t have enough to contend with already.”

…did…did this actually HAPPEN? What yutz is trying to blame a comic creator over this nonsense?

I did move to Subscribestar thanks to the BS from Paypal and Patreon.

Help me to help you and give me more than a $1 tier!

I’d happily be giving you $5 a month if you’d take it.

Jackie, gotta say you’re doing consistently funny quality work doing joke-a-day comics. I know you want to get back into more involved plotlines, but the important thing is what you are doing is entertaining.

I’m sorry Paypal’s impulse to make and enforce its own laws has had blowback on you. My pateron subscription ain’t going nowhere at least.

Make your patreon subscription at least $2/month or more.

Patreon takes all the payment processing costs (and their own fees) out of what you pledge to the artist. Since many of those are fixed costs, Jackie gets the least out of a $1/month sub. Just going to $2 makes a big difference.

Example and these are not actual figures: Patreon takes something like $.30 out of a $1 payment but that only goes up to $.35 for $2/mo. So they get something like 30% of your $1/month pledge but only 17.5% of a $2/month pledge.

Jesus man. Take a break if you have to. I love this comic and love the man behind it, but I NEVER want you to feel like your being pushed. Please, be safe. Your mental health is more important than our want for reading material.

…I’ve been debating on saying anything yet since I’m still not caught up. My reread is technically done, but now all this new to me stuff is pretty fun. Anyway, what I’m personally opposed to is subscription based services because I’ve proven to myself time and time again that I don’t ever remember to cancel my subscriptions in a timely manner, even when I know I have no income. Irresponsible, I know, but since I’ve heard you read every comment, I’ll try saying it here: if you have a ko-fi, then I’ll tip you.

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