2650 The Doctor Is In.

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Ok. Firstly, thanks for all the well wishes for the duel anniversaries that happen each year. It’s always nice hearing that my work is appreciated. Secondly, and even though I have thanked the persons individually, special thanks to those of you who offered some sort of gift or donation. A few of you were ridiculously generous and I appreciate that. It’s especially moving in light of the sorry state of the economy that you would reward a humble artsmith such as myself. Truly it all makes me feel as if I have done something helpful to people, even if that is only offering some sort of reprieve from reality.

I haven’t slept but a few hours and I’m a bit loopy because of it. I actually can’t tell if I got the script how I wanted it, but I went with what I had written several days ago in hopes that I could smoothe it out later if it was incorrect. My morning was badly disrupted.

Anyway, I’ll leave you with this for now. I hope you have a safe, enjoyable, weekend and will return to me on Monday. Until then, there’ll be time enough for countin’ when the dealin’s done.


I missed it on the day, but many happy returns on both fronts! This comic has been a constant highlight of my Mo-We-Fri mornings for longer than I car to say.
Thank you for that!

Honestly, I used to be the same. I can sometimes tell when some shit’s gonna happen. A friend not working out with me because of mini reasons of their personality that I can already tell might be a problem in the friend group.

A job not really caring for me.

And it’s not like a super power or anything goofy like that. It’s just common sense. But at the same time, I learned that not everything is set in stone. People rebound, they get better, they get wiser, they get smarter. You gotta have some form of hope that they fix themselves.

Psychoanalysis is hard. I should know, I have an unfinished MA in counseling to prove it.

Best wishes on the anniversaries, Jackie.

“duel anniversaries”

I know it’s a typo, but it still produces images of anniversaries in conflict.

“Why did we have to get married on your birthday? You having been born on Christmas, and all!!”

You are not the only one, I immediately pictured two people wearing birthday hats and duelling with balloon swords.

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