2603 Menacing Softly.

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When it comes to ease of drawing I did almost everything wrong with Evrina’s special outfit. There’s just to many elements to pay attention to. Every so often you paint yourself into a corner like this in art and you just have to suck it up and cope. Everyone else I was pretty smart about, but I got too fancy with her.

Also, as long as I’m going to get comments about her boobs I’m just going to say this: if you think I’m misogynistic, sexist, or whatever label you want to slap on me, I just don’t care anymore. I have taken abuse from the kinds of people who like to do that for 17 years and the one thing I’ve learned is people like that never stop, they never help, they never support. They simply attack forever and nothing you do can stop it. So if I’m going to be treated badly either way I’d rather be abused while drawing however the way I fucking want. I’m at the point in life where god starts taking everything good away from you, so I’d like to squeeze whatever tiny amount of joy I still can out of life now that the truly grim decline has started.
If you’re not okay with that I don’t know what to tell you. I’m old, alone, & everything I’ve ever enjoyed is being ruined. The last thing you can take from me is my life and at this point I welcome it.

If, however, you enjoy my antics, feel free to support them via the links above. I must unfortunately inform you that the price of the shirts are going up and I can do nothing about it. I am told inflation is not increasing, but the prices are still rising without my consent. There is, as they say, no war in Ba Sin Se.

Dear reader who is still here after all of that, and all these years, I hope you have a nice time until next we meet. If fate allows I will be here on Wednesday at the appointed time. That is all I can promise you in these uncertain times. Word to your mother.


Dear Jackie, As long as you can still do something you like that brings joy to a lot of people, life isn’t entirely pointless yet. …At least that’s what I keep telling myself everyday, over and over again. Just keep on keeping on, all the haters and any capricious deity be damned!

Some comment sections are rife with gratitude that they are represented in the comic by the presence of a short stack. I’m sure a lot of people are happy about Evrina, her boobs, and her outfit, each for a variety of reasons, including feeling her representation. Some of us are just drawn in like Ed’s downward gaze in panel 2, and we each have to decide how comfortable we are with being part of the male/lesbianic/allo/aesthetisexual/etc gaze. Even just the jiggle lines are a bit mesmerizing. Anyway, keep doing what you are doing, do what you enjoy, and I’ll keep enjoying and I won’t be alone.

Honestly, I’m damned appreciative of the range of real-world body types you have in this strip. It never occurred to me that people might react to Evrina’s depiction negatively — her characterization, yeah; she’s very flawed, which is fine. But some don’t like to see that, or conflict.

I’ve known many women with Evrina’s body type.

As others have said in this space already, your characters, especially the fuller-bodied women, all have their own looks, personalities, and agency. That is not so common in media.

That, plus your resident hot librarian, keeps me coming back.

If Evrina likes “fetching” she’ll also probably like “comely”. I can say that it works for me.

When did the “lethal coffee” or what it was that Ed got, happen?
(I don’t remember it, and don’t know where in the archive should I look)

Jackie, if that’s not too much to ask, it’d be great if you could post links to past events referred to in current strips.

Also I’d like to join a supportive choir, keep up the good job and stuff. :)

pg 1697 in the archive.

Honestly I feel like there’s more you could explore with this concept. You know what have Nina try some. Or better yet brooksie. I feel like this could be hilarious. And a running gag

Evrina may be a goblin, but she’d never let someone keep physically hurting, or endangering, others knowingly. Emotionally probably, but not physically. So I’ll have to find other ways to be humorous if it’s in my power so to do.

Comparing this Evrina with the one in 1607, she seems to have grown suddenly. I’m not sure of her overall size, but at least her boobs are much larger. It made me wonder if she had a sudden onset of adolescence since then, or whether she had been binding her breasts to avoid being sexually stereotyped. In either case, she seems quite comfortable with her body now.

Do women, if they feel like it, wear clothes like Evrina’s wearing? Certainly. If they have a physique like Evrina’s, do the clothes look much like they do on her? Indubitably. Therefore your depiction represents (a facet of) reality, and is beyond criticism. Anyone moaning about it is nothing more than a tedious little waste of time and space anyway. Keep on keeping on sir.

Outfit design is stupid hard. It’s one thing for something to look nice, another to be original, and almost impossible to be both and still easy to craft. Attempting it is always a challenge.

Speaking of boobs, I wasn’t awake when you posted this, and once I fully woke up and read the comic again I was immediately distracted by that ample bosom.

Sorry you’re getting shit Jackie. My girlfriend is Evrina shaped. We just that she’s 10 foot of cute and tits packed in a 5 foot container. The people who think Evrina is unrealistic are probably bitter that they aren’t Evrina shaped.

I concur with Ed, Evrina is looking very fetching lol. The outfit looks fine to me and I love her reasoning for why it fits so well XD

I don’t see an issue with how she’s depicted, I mean, it’s a comic.

And you’re right, there’s toxic people online who will always be like that, because those type of movements will always attract narcissists just looking for an opportunity to use it as an excuse to put others down so they call feel better about their own shitty selves.

Sorry to hear your real life is going bad though. Hope it gets better for you.

Well, that, and they need some kind of cause, a grand crusade to be a part of. They start fights for the glory of being in a fight. People just living and growing and enjoying their lives, that’s not exciting enough; they need to feel like they cut someone big down to size, or changed the world. Some of them are narcissists, but I think many are the opposite; they desperately seek something to validate their existence, something external. So they vote irrationally, sign useless petitions, harrass content creators into leaving the internet, and so on. No different from religious zealots or various radical revolutionaries in their motivations, just, thankfully, much less violent.

Technically, with the state of the current political system, it’s difficult to determine what could be considered a rational vote anymore.

But I see where you’re coming from with those kinds of people.

I have to question what the people who’d call you misogynistic are comparing you to

Like, I’ve been here for 13 years or so now, and you’re the only webcomic artist I can think of that draws both ends of the twig-trunk spectrum of womens body types
I can grant that knowing just how realized their personalities are would require reading a substantial amount of the backlog for newcomers, but I cannot fathom seeing Nina and Evrina on the same page and thinking that you’ve got prejudice

I’ve been following your comic ever since I found it on hive works, and I’ve loved ever page. I truly love the way you explore all the different avenues of life philosophy, all the different body types in every character. with the way you draw them, they come to life and become instantly relatable and lovable in their own unique way. I love the work you do, and will continue to love it while while you are still here. Please be gentle with yourself. There are people here whose lives you have touched and changed for the better just by sharing this piece of yourself.

Evrina says right there, that’s she’s eating her feelings. So yeah, it goes to her boobs, that’s a thing. She’s probably more upset that she can’t fit into her best fursuit anymore.
And Jackie, most of us here love your work and will miss you terribly when you’re gone. That doesn’t mean you’re chained to the desk, but it does mean that we appreciate the time you lavish on us with your stories.

Clearly it wasn’t enough to have a whole gaggle of lesbians in the cast. To become invulnerable to charges of sexism, you will need to insert some transsexuals (how about starting with Wes?) who find a loving, sugary, problem-free life in town and slowly squeeze out the rest of the cast.

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