2598 Donatello Is Her Favorite.

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Rulette approaches mortality very differently than most of he cast. Really she approaches everything differently. It makes her very amusing to write because she is like a voice in my head that goes “The way you write is dumb. Let’s do something else!” Which is not a bad thing when you’re writing something that needs to be knocked of course from time to time. That’s not to say she doesn’t have her moments of vulnerability, just that she chooses her moments differently.
Another aspect of her that I like is she hides her intelligence very much like Jessica does. She’s a dungeon master, and a good one, so she clearly has the intellectual acuity to stand as an equal to Alex in at least a few areas. She chooses to present herself in a different way. Similar to Jess, but also a bit different. She’s also someone who is in a slightly different place than the other cast members in that the need to decide if she’s ever going to “become an adult” is very pressing. At the same time she’s only 4 years older than the next oldest main cast member. A slight bit ahead of Nina. Contrary to what a lot of people tell you there is a point of no return sometimes in life. Unfortunately it’s possible to find yourself on the other side of it scrambling to figure out what to do with the potential back half of it. As someone who is well beyond that point I can only imagine what my life would have been like had I not fumbled every opportunity. In my make believe world I can perhaps allow this poor creature to stick the landing.

If you would like to help support the comic, and the perennial failure who creates it, please use the links above. Any and all support will be appreciated. Have a safe Thanksgiving if you are one of the happy few on this earth who celebrates the American version of said holiday. I will return with more page on Friday, although perhaps later than usual since Thanksgiving falls on a production day and my flow will be disrupted. Until next time, wizzy wham wham wozzle.


As Life is what happens between failures, to succeed you have but to try Anything at all, to be the envy of the dead.

Ninja turtles. Yeah read the original source material they were dark and bloody. They didn’t eat pizza either, they drink beer. Not that I didn’t love the ’80s cartoon. But the old bloody black and white comic books were the best.

Once tried to explain Ninja Turtles to a group of Japanese exchange students. You had to have been there to experience the depth of incredulousness.

Learning things about how everyday people lived their lives can be useful for all sorts of historical research. The “big stuff” makes up the narratives of nations, but you’ll find historians plenty interested in the small stuff too.

The problem with old photographs is they tended to be posed and not very illustrative of daily life. Photos of activity on a small scale are more useful than a person looking down the lens. Which is part of why there is little competition for images like that. Although people will, and do, collect almost anything, including functionally valueless things.

My mom was an inlaw in a large family and the only one who bothered to keep photos when the aunts and uncles passed away and when she passed I ended up with most of the photos. By the time I’m gone, there wont be anyone who even knows who those people were. Divorced from context, they are just “a person looking down the lens”. Of those hundreds of photos and the hundreds I have taken myself maybe one in a hundred are of interest to the rest of the world.

The irony is that if people take pictures of themselves doing mundane things those will be valuable in the future. Selfies and stuff aren’t generally as useful, but still have some cultural clues for future generations.

If this were any other piece of media, I’d predict that the photos would reveal that the man was actually the brother of a Kennedy or a famous actor or something. I think only Jackie is willing to say that, nope, he was just some random dude, but here’s a picture of him on the Spruce Goose as a child or something.

All that said, my grandmother is into genealogy and would love this stuff. She wishes some long-lost family member was found with boxes of old photo album–she’d be adding it all to the digital catalogue she keeps of our family going back to before we had photographs.

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