2540 But You Can’t Prove It.

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We had a minor flood in the basement this weekend. Which is crazy since we got as much rain in a few days as we usually get in a year. It caused quite a disruption and a few things were lost. Not hugely important things on balance but they were saved for a reason. Mom and I pumped out most of the water and things are drying out though. Hopefully it won’t become a regular occurrence. I always intended to get more plastic containers for my stuff but never had the funds. I’m going to have to decide what if actually worth protecting and what I should just sell off or give away though. I really want to do things with all this crap I’ve acquired and having it haphazardly in boxes isn’t helping anyone. It can’t be top priority though.

Anyway, that’s about all I have to report from the real world. As always, please consider supporting my work via the links above. I hope you have a nice start to your week.


Well, Reggie, you’e started. Now you need to do the whole “Christian making fun of Cyrano de Bergerac’s nose” thing: “There seem to be a /little/ problem with the project. Apparently there was a /short/ circuit that caused a fire, but what /dwarfs/ the other difficulties is that they /overlooked/ keeping a manual or any spare parts.”

Go on, you can take it from there.

Sometimes you really don’t intend a pun and you still realize it’s there but can’t come up with a better way to say it. The only valid reason, in my opinion, to NOT intend a pun when you notice it before you say it is if you’re worried the pun will be hurtful. Subtle ones like this might not be noticed if you don’t point them out, and even if you did notice it before you said it, they might not realize you noticed it before you said it if you don’t point it out, even if they DID notice it, and people are less likely to take offense if they don’t think you noticed something could be potentially hurtful, let alone intended it to be hurtful.

So, in short, always intend your puns unless they might be hurtful, and if they might be hurtful just don’t point them out and people will either not notice them or at least give you the benefit of the doubt.

Sometimes people can also make puns inadvertently and they don’t realize it until after the fact. At that point, you really have no other choice but to say “no pun intended.”

Considering what kind of trailers are currently on movie screens, I could see this little adventure turning into an homage to “Five Nights At Freddy’s”.

It will not. FNAF is overrated and my interest in using the animatronic in my work comes from an interest in them far predating FNAF.

Good Answer.

If they want a “plug” for their film, they should **NOT** expect it to be for free.

I believe Reggie. The recognized term for such a summary is “the short version”. It’s in common parlance and calling it a “summary” would make it sound like he’s deliberately avoiding the word “short”.

I think saying ‘The brief version’ or ‘In brief,’ would work fine without seeming to be focusing on avoiding any short references. It might sound marginally snootier, but hey- it’s Reggie. Anything he says is going to sound a little snooty.

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