1157 Sames and Opposites.

I may have talked about this before, but part of the reason the cast members always go outside by this wall to talk is because of a place I worked for a long time. The smokers always used to go out on one side of the building and have their smoke breaks there. As the staff changed I would find myself out there talking to people before and after work, sometimes hours after the store closed. Maybe it’s Stockholm syndrome, or something, but I remember those times pretty fondly. I guess I just liked listening to people talk. I heard a lot of stories and gave a lot of advice sitting in that parking lot. I guess maybe I’m just doomed to be everyone’s big brother. That’s how it felt a lot of the time anyway. Most of those people probably can’t even remember my name now. I wonder if I helped.


I remember working at my video store and the theater. We would stand outside at ungodly hours, leaning against cars and talking for literally an hour or two before finally going home. I think that’s normal when you like where you work and the people you work with but, being mostly introverts, we didn’t feel the need to go to another setting.

Cuz, you know, there’s your escape route right there behind you. At any moment you could just be like, “Well, see you,” and it wasn’t awkward because you were all leaving, it was just taking you 2 hours.

Other than the red hair and similar eyes, I don’t see all that much in common between Dawn and Carol.

Well, I suspect Thomas knows them both better than you.

But does he know them better than YOU?

I suspect Crave may be one of those writers that doesn’t necessarily know everything about his characters or his stories until things just… happen.

When I get around to writing for fun, which as a non-English-major college student isn’t much, I happen to be one of those writers.

I think it’s more fun that way, when you can ask the author questions, and his/her honest answer is “I don’t know.”


The smoke pit is kind of a social place, even for non-smokers. The second-hand smoke be damned.

It’s inevitable if there’s smokers in the group. Eventually, the smokers will need their fix and if you’re in the middle of a conversation it’s just natural to go with them so you can keep talking.

Don’t know what you are like in person, but a little big-brotherish/uncle-like perspective can have a surprising amount of impact. Based on the depth you’ve given your characters you must have at least some insight into other people. Combined with a willingness to listen – which seems to be a lot of what many people need anyway – you may have made more of an impact than you can imagine.

I found out a while ago that someone I went to high-school with (who was more a friend of a friend than a ‘friend’ [to the extent that a socially retard like me had ‘friends’ in high-school]) credits a conversation I apparently had with them for their career choice … I supposedly said something to the effect of ‘why are you taking that dumbed down class, you can do better than that’ … did I mention my leet social skilz?

So, yeah – if I accidentally got someone on the low-expectation track to do something with themselves, you’ve undoubtedly done a lot of good.

It really comes through in how he creates the story; almost completely via dialogue. Its really interesting to see how various artists and storytellers create the stories, because it really tels to how they perceive the world and its issues. Obviously Crave really sees the world through dialogue, and speaking to people. He gets to know them by how they say things, and what they say (and don’t say). It makes for a very dialogue-heavy story, but that is something I enjoy, being that I have a similar way of dealing with people and the world.

I second that, a few of them probably remember you quite well. In my arrogance I have a tendency to dole out advice (often unsolicited). I’ve been surprised by the amount of weight people have given to my advice. Sometimes you talk to people, expecting them to disregard you completely, but you have a lasting impact. Even if they don’t follow your advice, hearing someone else’s reasoning can help resolve a complicated situation. I expect your advice, and your listening have helped quite a bit.

Sorry, I think what little eloquence I have is totally failing me here, the point is: an open ear and an outside perspective can help a lot, and I’m sure most of those people appreciated it.

When I was working security, the Third Shift supervisors would occasionally have to hustle us off, as a lot of the Second Shifters would hang around the site chatting with each other or the Graveyarders.

I sure don’t miss the smoke, though.

“…it’s why I asked what your story, yes. That and Nina had already taken you in.

“It’s not why I helped you, however. I helped you because your story was familiar”

What am I looking at here?

Being someone who did/still does the big brother thing, lately I find myself saying: “If I helped them as much as they helped me, then I did great.”
But I am rather keen on correcting social short-circuits of mine that I am aware of so I look at interactions in what is probably an atypical way.

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