Happy Thanksgiving – Picture Not Related.

I’m no great fan of Thanksgiving imagery.  Leaves, Pilgrims, turkeys, don’t do anything for me.  I’m not a fan of fall colors generally.  So, though I want to wish you all a happy, and safe, thanksgiving, I have no desire to draw something related to it.  Also, the pages for the last few days have been skirting the edges of the limits of my abilities, and have taken longer than usual.  Instead I present to you the full sized image for my ad on The Webcomics List.  (Well, actually this is still not full sized.  I work at stupidly large sizes for reasons I’m unwilling to explain.)  The image gets re-sized down to 100×100 pixels, yet I always draw a full sized image for it.  Otherwise they end up looking wrong.  at least to me.  So, anyway, have a happy holiday, if you live someplace that celebrates one today.  If not, then I wish you a happy Thursday.  Drive safely.  Look both ways before crossing the street, and always bet on black.
