Edward Lincoln: The Wizard Who Was Trouble.

There were a few students who thought Edward would, and even should, have ended up in Slytherin. His attitude is pleasant enough, but he flies off the handle with almost no provokation. He’s singlehandedly earned more house point deductions than any student in the last 3 years combined. Talk of a missorting has even been uttered by some professors. As far as anyone can remember the hat has never been wrong, but Ravenclaw is not exactly pleased to be stuck with Edward or his sister. If nothing else he rarely starts trouble, or goes looking for it, but he finishes anything that gets started. Often with more force than required. This, at least, offsets point deductions by spreading them around the houses. Even the most thuggish students are learning not to speak out of turn around the Lincoln siblings. The twins have taken part in at least 2 known full on wand brawls, and as a team they are just shy of a force of nature. Most people think they exhibit some level of psychic bond that is more evident in a fight than any other time. The only time they are more dangerous is when they are fighting each other, which is mercifully rare.

Edward is intelligent well above the average, and is skilled in every subject he tries, but wandplay is where he has the most practice outside the classroom. He’s been working on developing more situation specific spells to increase the overall effectiveness of aurors. His most successful experiment is a spell called Revibro. It creates a bubble around the caster which not only deflects an attack, but sends it back to the agressor, effectively causing them to fight themselves while your strength is conserved. The only drawback is that while casting the spell you must remain stationary, potentially allowing your attacker to gain a tactical advantage. This problem is greatly reduced if you happen to have someone around to continue an assault who uses you as a shield.