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My sister’s family is visiting for 3 days of varying lengths and it really makes me wonder how any human survives the energy of children. I know, logically I was a child, and even have some memory of being one, but I never recall having that level of energy.
I had headaches constantly as a child. Horrible headaches that seemed endless and made me want to not do things. In fact I didn’t stop having regular headaches until after I got my sleep machine. Which probably means that I was suffocating in my sleep my entire life up to that point. I wonder if my life would have been significantly different if I had that sleep aid earlier. I would probably still have been bipolar, but not wanting to just stay in bed, or sit in the dark, all the time probably would have changed the arc of my life somewhat. I guess I’ll never know. What happened happened. At best maybe someone will see my stories and make the connection earlier and get help before lasting damage is done.
It’s kind of amazing that my brain still works as well as it does considering the long term damage it probably absorbed. The human body car really withstand a ridiculous level of punishment.
Anyway, I got out my Gamecube, SNES, and N64 so my nephew could experience these relics of games gone by. I was worried that they wouldn’t work after having been neglected for so long, but they all fired right up. Although the N64 kept restarting on its own, which was a problem long before now. It played an entire round of Vigilante 8 though, so I guess it will work well enough for some games.
I actually don’t know where my memory cards are for the systems that have them. I used to be very fastidious abut them, but now, after everything that’s happened, I just sort of lost track of them. I found some random ones in the box where the cords ended up, but they aren’t the ones with my main save files on them. I did find my original Animal Crossing card though, so it’s safe. I won’t let my nephew play that, since it’s a lot of reading, and probably too boring for his age anyway.
Most of my games aren’t really pick up and play, but there are enough to keep him busy for an afternoon if his mom lets him play. Someday I’ll have to sort out my playstation era stuff so he can see those games too.
I used to take such great care with all of that stuff until it really hit me that nothing lasts and after I die it will all probably be dumped in a landfill so no one will ever enjoy them again. It really bothers me that no one will get to have my stuff when I die and it will all just go to waste. Unless I get some waring and start distributing it before then.
Whatever happens, happens, I suppose. If I expected anyone to be left around to care I should have been better at things. Coffee is for closers.
In any event I will hopefully be able to get a moment to make Wednesday’s page before Wednesday and Friday’s before Friday. I tried to get ahead of the relentless week of the holiday, but my weekly bloodlettings really took the fire out of me. Five days in a row of abnormal stuff is a bit much to overcome. I was going to try and do Wednesday’s page tonight as much as I could, but I just want to lay down. I’m sure as fuck not getting it done tomorrow… Maybe I should just do filler of some sort. I don’t even know what I would do. I know my regular work isn’t the best out there but I really hate purposefully doing it less well. Guh… Whatever. I always seem to get by in the end. I’ll just trust in myself to be just good enough.
I’ll see you back here on Wednesday hopefully. Until then, Monday your Tuesday.