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I don’t know if anyone will pick up on this, but Jess takes off her glasses for no actual reason. She removes them and puts them right back on, without cleaning them or anything, because she doesn’t have anything to do with her hands. It might seem like she’s doing it for dramatic effect, but she’s not even looking at Evrina when she does it. She doesn’t look back at her until she puts them back on. In my mind she’s fidgeting to keep herself from becoming too emotional to get her point across. What amused me when I drew it all is that it gave me the same feeling you get when you see an actual person who wears glasses without them. That instinctual feeling of “something isn’t right here”. I don’t often forget to draw her glasses, or Ed’s, so it’s still a novelty when I do and my brain reacts as if these lines I’ve made up are a real person who I know.
Anyway, I guess I’ll leave it at that. I’m a little tired from having my blood drawn off this morning. I was riding the line of actually needing to have it done, but got the phlebotomy because my levels were just barely over it. I kept things pretty close to where they were supposed to me for 2 weeks though, so it’s progress.
I hope you have a nice weekend. I’m going to try and get another section of my stuff sorted. On Monday I’ll have another page for you to look at if you still want to. Hopefully I’ll see you then.