Enough food + wine, + she’ll fall asleep at the table, Ed!
That will make for a short evening. :)

No short jokes!

Heh, heh, heh! :D

…This just in: Ed is going to star in that classic, Christmas play:
“SMOL and The Night Visitors!”

I haven’t thought about that in decades. I remember my music teacher took us to see it when I was in elementary school

I think the musical play, “Amahl and The Night Visitors”, is a classic.

I wish I could play that fantastic, [clarinet solo?], in the beginning of the play.


Personally I don’t think she’s doing bad so far. Seems kinda cute.

Yeah, I see maybe another “Ed carries Nina to bed, and he sleeps on the bean bag” scene.

They’re already attached. This could be a cute story in the future.

(That’s unlike my wife’s experience. Her long-ago ex got near-blackout drunk at a concert, and she had to pour him into the backseat and drive his car back, at 2am. Oh, and it was a stickshift, and she’d yet to learn stick.)

That could work, though I suspect if he tries that he’ll wake up in the middle of the night to a feisty Nina who’s sobered up and knows what she wants, for all that she does appreciate the gentlemanly treatment.

It took my wife about a day to learn stickshift, given a bit of instruction. Once you have tge theory, the car will tell you when you get it wrong by stalling or having tge engine race.

After that she became quite proud of being able to drive up steep icy hills while the cars with automatic transmissions kept slaloming sideways. Standars transmission gave her more control over low power than an automatic could.

Little too tipthy to be theduthing anyone, really. The moral / legal implications are getting downright unnerving.

Nina’s face and the way she’s talking makes me think of one of the Looney Toons drunk. She just needs to start hiccuping.

She does have the skightly-chipmunk sort of incisors.

Actually that’s something I really like about her character design. In many other artist’s hands an attractive 6’3″ blue-eyed blonde would be drawn just…too perfect?

And (having had speech therapy as a grade-schooler) the overbite is sometimes associated with speech impediments.

I kind of know what you mean, about Nina’s appearance.
In my words- a lot of: artists, TV writers, + film writers, [don’t] have a lot of imagination about what a beautiful woman or an attractive person, can look like.
I once saw a woman do a stage act, where her character said something like:
“I KNOW you want me to put on my royal-blue, sexy dress, + be the “beautiful woman” from the [Sean Connery + Roger Moore, James Bond films], but I won’t, because…they’re ALL the Same!
The “James Bond girls” all have: the same clothing-fashions, the same looks, and the same personality, + I don’t like it, because these people are all similar, + I don’t like it.
I’m not going to be a James Bond-beauty for anyone, because that’s [not] for me.
Because, as far as a woman being an individual goes, it doesn’t matter who JAMES BOND F*CKS, because they’re ALL the SAME.”
So I suppose: people thinking of: who is attractive, and who is beautiful, is up to each, individual person, I believe. Or thoughts like that.

Well, that , and they’re going to die. Every woman he loves dies, Even if its a mother/ authority figure ala M/Judy Dench in Casino Royale. It’s his curse. He has to love them and leave them or they die. Would tend to develop a complex after a while.

Yeah…that must cut down on his dating.
You’d think women would warn each other: “Don’t date that James Bond guy! Maybe date, “The Avengers”, instead!”

I got feeling Nina wanted get hammered (very drunk) I can tell life she had over years of living and working at that store she’s at for long hours of each day. never really know how some kind of tolerance for people drinking booze too much or little at time.

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