2627 Brotherths And Thithterths.

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I’ve been trying to get my sleep schedule back to something at least roughly approximating normalcy, at least by my standards, but it’s just shifting wildly every day. Generally it’s not an issue because I set my own hours, but when I don’t know when I’m going to get tired it’s hard to form a schedule around it. It’s a very disruptive issue, even though it’s only mildly vexing. I generally like to sleep when other people are awake so they can protect me from danger while I can’t, and vice versa. Many times I am the one who warns my family of oncoming disasters in the night. People getting caught unawares by late night storms is all too common in tornado alley. In many cases it only takes 30 seconds of warning to save lives. There’s no sirens out here to warn us. Someone has to be the watcher on the wall.

Anyway, it’s posting time so I’ll stop my rambling. Support links up top, as always. It’s nice to see you back here, I hope we both have a nice week. I will see you on Wednesday.


I think thumbuddy’s a little thipthy

I will amend my comment to say she is past tipsy. Looking back, it appears she’s on her 3rd glass.

The only sad part about this is that our boy will likely not be getting anywhere. Any plans for post-dinner fun will be out the door with her clearly liquored up. He will undoubtedly do the right thing here, take her home, and then walk away.

“Candy is dandy, but liquor is quicker” — Ogden Nash

It’s especially notable that in this case she is self-medicating.

I don’t think he will walk away. I think he will stay and make sure she is safe. Obviously not doing anything inappropriate. He will also cook her a delicious breakfast, and she will be a very happy nina.

I hear ya on the storm watch, Jackie. It’s hard to sleep during storms anyway so I watch the weather radar at least until the power goes out.

Don’t know how helpful sirens are. They test the one in town so often, if there actually is a tornado, no-one will pay any attention.

I spent a couple years living in the evac zone for a nuclear power plant. Let me tell you, those sirens will stop your heart and make you look up whether there’s a test today, they don’t sound anything like weather sirens.

Of course, apparently I can still sleep through it, though…

Now I really want to see what happens if she hears a song she likes. Tipsy people and spontaneous singing are always entertaining. Maybe not quite in the same way as someone trying to sound good, but entertaining. Hell knows I certainly think I sound amazing after a bottle of Apothic Inferno. Everyone else says I sound like a angry bear trying to imitate words. They always try to get me to sing though.

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