2611 Bearing It All.

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The day with my nephew was a bit more than I was expecting. It left me with a headache of such magnitude it became very difficult to knock out a page that I thought would be very simple. I was led to believe there was going to be a different set of activities by one party that ended up not being the bulk of our time spent. One must be adaptable however. He got to stay much later than normal and by the end he was starting to show the wear.
Tomorrow he gets to visit more and who knows what he’ll want to do. If he isn’t bored of the Lego sets that will be good. He’s run through so many scenarios I’m surprised he still thinks of things to do. Since the basement flooded he can’t really play down there if he gets bored. It’s all basically in piles from us trying to save things. Anyway, I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it. My head hurts and I need to be doing basically anything other than using my brain ATM. I’ll see you all on the 25th. Stay safe on the roads toing and froeing.


“And by “too hot” you mean….”
“That they would suffer from dehydration.”
“Right OK…………And by suffer from dehydration you mean…”
“Get your mind out of the gutter”

so good at her job she can’t spell it right XD

More like can’t say it right. Jackie is very specific about his characters’ accents.

BTW, she says it the same way I do:

“I like to sit by the winduh at the libary, eating my sammich and watching the smoke rise from the chimbley.”

I can see why the suit would be hot if it’s a furry suit, maybe go with just the feet and gloves and remove the legs to the thigh and shoulders… I’d love to see his sister in one though… yes I’m a dirty old man, I just have fond memories of my wife when we were young and she liked to “dress up.” I’m not into “thicc” gals but I can tell what he’s staring at lol.

Well, well, well, little miss “I’m just here for the pizza”, I think we’ve found an outfit for Maddie next time the furry group have a meeting… Maybe they should ask Bridgette to draw something up!

Don’t let Jess get wind of that statement – next minute, Maddie has an only-fans-wannabe channel of her wearing the suit and unironically singing those songs.

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