If Evrina and Ed ever DO meet, I hope someone around them has the presence of mind to sell tickets to the fight and take bets.

It was Alex the Librarian with the Furies in the Library …..

Took some digging – my google fu is weak – 1353 – she came in like a whirlwind of salt and iodine.

Just in case God Be With Brew needs an official slogan, of course, in Latin:

Quia caritas Dei, quod emere velit.

Heh, heh!

I think there is a restaurant with this story:
A man owns a pizza parlor. I think he lives on The USA’s East Coast, or in the
Eastern half of The United States. He is a Jewish guy.

He heard a lot of people say to him, “You make really great pizza! You must Be Italian!”
So, in response to that, he made a sign for his pizza place.

The sign says: ” Pizza optimus Iudaeis faciunt”.

In English, that phrase is: Jews make the BEST PIZZA!

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