1802 Conundrum.

I’m not going to lie, I very much want to explore more of Reggie’s family life and his relationship with his sister, who I love very much.

I had a really hard time sleeping last night. Something is causing me to have much more acute shaking fits than I ever used to. WHat the cause is, is a mystery to me. I slept in two fitful bouts from 7pm or so to about 10:30 I would guess? I’m not sure, but I know that I got on twitter when I woke up and was on until I finally was able to lay back down. Venting someplace where people are awake and respond at least a little helps me cope, especially since I’m alone, apart from the dogs, in the late hours of the day. Honestly, I can imagine how much better my life would have been in some ways if I had, had the internet at my disposal when I was young. All those nights spent cowering in my bed might have been much less terrible if I’d had a circle of friends all over the world who were always awake and ready to listen the way I do now. I know that the internet has caused a lot of problems, but I think, on balance, the more connected people are the harder it is to hate. When you know a lot about the people in other places you become invested in their struggles and want more for them. When my country does something dishonorable I feel ashamed because on some level I feel like my culture has let down friends in other places. I don’t know, but forming bonds between people is good. We need more bonds between us so we can all help lift each other up.

Anyway, thank you all for being around for me online in various places. The small kindnesses you show me help much more than you might expect.


“I know that the internet has caused a lot of problems, but I think, on balance, the more connected people are the harder it is to hate. When you know a lot about the people in other places you become invested in their struggles and want more for them. When my country does something dishonorable I feel ashamed because on some level I feel like my culture has let down friends in other places. I don’t know, but forming bonds between people is good. We need more bonds between us so we can all help lift each other up.”

I LITERALLY could not agree with you more. Thank you. :)

I agree with the essential point, but I would caution that it’s meaningful communication that connects people, not meaningless noise. For every one part of the former that the Internet gives us, we get five parts of the latter.

Still, it’s more of the former than we had before the Internet. :)

I don’t disagree, but I think that even “meaningless noise” can ultimately mean something. Goodness knows I spent enough time on “meaningless” websites when I first started hanging out online. One of the things they taught me was to seek out websites and online communication that was more “meaningful.”

I personally think that empathy is the most important human emotion/quality and probably the one that will save us all from extinction (I’m assuming you read the news story about the Doomsday clock…). But, because of the internet, I have read reports written by people who live in/have been to North Korea, and have seen pictures of the country. I do NOT want the U.S. to go to war with them and I’m being fairly vocal (including signing petitions and contacting my local reps) about that. Pre-internet, I might have completely bought into the political narrative that North Korea is a huge threat to the U.S. and that we “need” to crush them. Also, according to a lot of what I’ve read, there is a rising tide of rebellion inside North Korea because, even though the internet is severely restricted there, people have found ways to get around that. And they are reading about other places in the world and other people and are starting to demand the rights that people have in some other countries.

It is hard to hate and kill people when you know them. It is hard to support war when you know about the people your country will be attacking. I like to reference the “Christmas Truce” during WWI – apparently high-level members of the military on both sides afterwards had to issue commands prohibiting any kind of “fraternization” because the soldiers so much wanted to be “friends” and not kill each other. IIRC, a lot of similar stuff happened during the U.S. Civil War as well. I believe that people are essentially decent – we just need to be able to express that decency. And, for all the *expletive deleted* out here on the internet, there are lots of places – like this website and this comment section – that celebrate human decency and empathy. Thanks again, Jackie! :)

PS: I’m sorry for getting so political and apologize if my views offend anyone. I am very much anti-war in general. Yet I’m not a member of the military nor an expert on world politics and military strategy. Again, thanks to the internet, I’m learning more about all these things, but I’m aware that my opinion is just that – MY opinion only.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but Reggie and Vicky seem like they’re stuck in the habit of sniping at each other rather than actually disliking each other. And either they don’t know how to break the cycle or it hasn’t occurred to them that they can.

I would love to see more of their brother relationship, never knew exactly how brothers act with each other so I’m really curious :)

Victoria is so hot. I feel I must compliment you on her demeanor more though. She walks with an air that everything is beneath her, filled with apathy, but then her fursona clearly is having the time of her life. Excellent job on that.

With baited breath, await the face,
Amazonian goddess: Nina Grace;
Auricomus tresses, azure eyes,
Athletic stance, languorous thighs,
Where is the Beauty for which mine heart sings?
Anticipate her entrance from the wings…

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