*Shrugs* Everyone’s been through that point somewhere in their life. Why is it mainly in teen years all this crap about depression and peer pressure comes up?

I beg to differ. I’m twenty six and most certainly haven’t “been through that” at any point of my life. Of course the problem might be in the fact that I pretty much started out as a heartless bastard.

Don Pedro, are you Thomas in real life?

I don’t think so, I look nothing like him and have never in my life worked retail. Also my assholery is much less refined, in fact, I’m pretty straightforward as far as being mean is concerned. Though I’m pretty much always in the clear since I have a lovable, chunky appearance and therefore nobody takes my abuse seriously.

I’m twenty and I’ve never “been through that” either, though in my case it’s probably because I’ve never been in that sort of relationship before.

‘Teen years?’ Hardly. Heartbreak can happen at any age. I’m in my 30’s. It happened to me a few years ago and I’m still getting over it. I’m starting to see some faint color around the edges of life.

It’s not about how great the other person was or wasn’t; it’s about how close and deep inside of you you let them get, on the assumption they were going to stay there forever… and then when they don’t, the size and jaggedness of the hole they leave is proportional to how close you allowed them in.

To put up emotional walls and keep a certain emotional distance from people after that is a normal and natural reflex/response… but it precludes the kind of close relationship you had before happening for you again.

“Taken for granted” is an expression we’ve come to use very negatively in recent decades, but in the literal sense, it means you trust the person enough to rely on them to be consistent to you.
Did Bob smith “take for granted” that his wife would be home every day when he came home from work? Yes he did, not because he was a bad husband (necessarily), but because he trusted his wife.
Asked why she ran off to have a passionate and exciting affair with the milkman, she said Bob “took her for granted” as though this was some great offense. All the words really mean is that Bob fairly assumed he could trust her to behave tomorrow the same way she’d behaved yesterday, and every day for the last X # of years.
Perhaps he WAS a neglectful or otherwise bad husband, but all the words “took her for granted” mean by themselves is that he trusted her to be reliable.

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