Queen Of The Store.

This isn’t, technically, birthday art.  I just saved it for a good moment to show it off.  Carol, obviously, dressed as Princess Megatainment, a title I just made up.  Steph Cherrywell of Intragalactic drew it.  Said artist has a new book available now if you’re interested:  Widgey Q Butterfluff.  Check out the copy:

Widgey Q. Butterfluff is the most sickeningly cute person in the Snugglepump valley, a place that has been stuck on Saturday Morning for over 20 years. With little more than a sunny personality, the titular heroine takes on the full range of kiddy-cartoon villains, from teenaged ennui to armored skeletons to timeslot-appropriate drug metaphors.

What, I ask you, is not to like?  Nothing, that’s what.  It was rhetorical.  I might just as well have not asked!

Jolene appeared in some Pokemon inspired art over at The Space Between the other day.   You can use the internet to see it.

Seems like there was something else I was going to show you all, but now I forget…  I guess if I remember it I can always show you later.

Let’s see…  At some point in the future I’m going to try switching the comic posting…  thingy…  to a different one.  Fes of The Webcomic Beacon is helping me, and by helping I mean doing it for me.   If you do the RSS feed you’ll have to redo it.  I don’t understand RSS so I don’t actually know what that entails.  I just know that people always have them so I have one as well…

Anyway if the site is acting weird at some future time just give it a little while and hopefully it will be back in working order again soon.  For all I know it could all go really easily and no one will notice, except for the improved layout, navigation, archives, and what have you.

*Magic Web Fairy gives people a gift* a picture of birthday boy ;-)


Awesome choice…  I look like a retarded cancer patient.