2659 They Weren’t Going To Stand For This.

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Sorry this went up so much later than usual. Under normal circumstances I would just power through and try to post closer to the appointed time, but I simply had to lay down for a few hours until my discomfort abated enough to work. Anyway, I’m fine now. No need to worry if you were, in fact, worried.

I kind of feel like I should stop and talk about something since it doesn’t matter if I take a while to blog. Part of the reason I’ve been able to make more spectacular pages is that there’s no major disaster going on in my life for a change. I hesitate to even express that for fear of something deciding to destroy the tranquility. By the grace of God, or whatever you want to ascribe the power of luck to, I was able to ad some flair to a key moment in the comic and I’m very thankful for that.

I got distracted just now. I’m just gonna post this before I fall asleep or something. Have a good one. I’ll see you on Monday, I hope.