2667 Here/There.

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I was awake when I usually sleep today waiting for a package that maybe had to be signed for. Luckily it didn’t because I fell asleep about 5 minutes before it got delivered and was awoken by the sound of the truck driving away. My sleep schedule has been doing these weird loops of shifting from one extreme to another. It’s very disruptive. I’ve strengthened my core enough to fix a lot of my back problems though, so at least that isn’t the huge issue it had become. Anyway, since this is late I’ll leave it at that for now. I need to tell you guys about my fingernail adventure but it will take too long so I keep putting it off.

I’ve got a Carol pinup going up on patreon/subscribestar in a minute, so look forward to that after you’re done here. Let’s meet back up on Friday. Until then, remember that Clea is the name of Dr Strange’s wife in some universes at some times.